Happy New Year!
3rd ~ Students return to school!
12th ~ Rescheduled Winter Concert 8:45am
13th ~ Site Council 2:45pm
13th ~ Literacy Night 5:30-7:00pm
*Pizza and pop will be served from 5:30-6:30. Juglemania will perform from 6:30-7:00 p.m. Each child will receive a free book. Library card applications will be available through the Lyons City Library.
17th ~ M.L.K. Day - NO SCHOOL
18th ~ Band Concert 6:30pm
*Located inside the Cafeteria
20th ~ N.S.S.D. Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.
21st ~ Principal's Coffee 8:00 a.m.
27th ~ Grading Day - NO SCHOOL
28th ~ Teacher In-Service-NO SCHOOL
Talent Show!!!
"Mari-Linn's Got Talent" Show is scheduled for February 24th. Start planning now to share your talent. For more information please contact the school's office.
Joseph's Storehouse of Hope
The Food Bank for the Mehama-Lyons area has been established. They will be distributing food on the third Saturday of every month at Mari-Linn School Gym from 11:00-2:00 pm. Distribution will be on a first come first serve basis. If you have questions regarding this opportunity, please call Troy @ 503.859.2849 or 503.881.9846.
Winter Weather Info:
*From NSSD Website
It is that time of year again when the North Santiam School District and First Student Transportation review the process and procedure for inclement weather. On days where the temperatures have dropped and ice or snow is on the roads, bus routes will be checked starting at 4:00 a.m. A decision will be made by 5:00 a.m. by the Superintendent with input from First Student Transportation and the District’s Director of Health and Safety.
There are three things they will look at as they drive the bus routes: 1) road safety at the high and low elevation levels, 2) current temperatures, and 3) forecasts for weather worsening with roads that are already unsafe. From the data they gather, they will decide to 1) put buses on snow routes, 2) put schools on a two hour delayed start, or 3) close school for the day.
This year student households will be called using the School Messenger system, with calls starting at 5:30 a.m. If no one answers the phone and the household has a message system, it will leave a message. If not, other places parents can look for information on school delays or closures include the District website located at http://www.nsantiam.k12.or.us/ where it will be posted on the main page, and on local news and radio stations listed in the student handbook.
This year parents can also sign up for email and text messages regarding school closure at http://www.flashalert.net/signup.html . Once on the website, parents are asked to add an organization. To do this, choose 1) Portland/Vanc/Salem, 2) Marion Co. Schools, and finally 3) North Santiam School District (Stayton). Click on "subscribe" and then enter email addresses or cell phone numbers where you want messages to be sent. There is a validation process that must be completed before messages will actually be sent.
As the weather gets colder, parents should prepare a contingency plan for how they will get their children to and from bus stops if busses are on snow routes, and where their children will need to go if school is delayed or closed. In the meantime, drag out the winter caps and scarves and try to find matches for all those extra socks and gloves, because old man winter is looking over your shoulder.