Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday Bazzar A Success!

Thank you to all of the students, teachers, parents, community members and fellow PTA members for making this year's Canyon Crafters Holiday Bazaar a success.

The students raised $609.00 in raffle sales! Congratulations go to Ryan Brown for being the top student in sales with $68.00. Ryan has earned "Principal for The Day". The top ten winners that have earned pizza with Ms. Harbison are: Cole Dunn, Henry Behrens, Quinn McKim, Evan Davis, Jenny Comstock, Falisha Wright, Cole Atiyeah, Olivia Atiyeah, McKenna Leseman and Justin Lusk.

Way to go Mari-Linn, you've all done a great job!

Brandy Hill ~ Mari-Linn PTA President